Making Needed Repairs or Upgrades to Maintain the Function of Your Well

by | Aug 22, 2019 | Plumbing Service

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Having a well on your property can be a valuable asset. It can serve as a backup to the municipal or county water supply to which your home is connected. It can also provide a source of hydration for any crops or animals that you raise on your property.

However, the value of your well depends on how well you take care of it. You can repair or upgrade it by hiring a service that specializes in well pump installation in Durham, NC.

Installing a New Pump

The ability to get water out of your well depends on whether it has an electrical or propane-powered pump. You could install a manual pump. However, it may take an hour or longer to get all the water that you need out of it.

When you would rather get the water out as quickly as possible, you need a power pump connected to the well. A company that specializes in well pump installation in Durham can put gas or electric pump into the well. You then only have to push a button or connect a cord to get the water out of it.

Installing a Well Liner

When you live in a rural area, you need to protect your well from agricultural runoff. You do not want toxins like ammonia or fertilizer to get into your water source.

You can keep most of the water supply safe by installing a liner in your well. This protective layer can keep chemicals from nearby farmlands from filtering past the walls of the well and into the water. You can feel confident that you have a water source that is as fresh as possible.

Good installation service can help you repair or upgrade your property’s well. It can also protect the integrity of your water source.

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