Trying to find a bad credit auto dealer may be more difficult than finding other dealers but it is far from impossible. With a little bit of time, know-how and looking you will soon find a Norman OK bad credit auto dealer that you can trust and work with. You must be mindful as you search that there are dealers out there that have no qualms about treating you badly because of your financial situation but they are not all like that, there are dealers that work with you and your financial ability.
One thing that you must do before you go shopping for a car is to get your own credit report, it is not hard to do and once you have it you will be able to confirm that the score is correct.
* Trust your intuition:
When you first visit the dealer, trust your intuition. If you feel the least bit uncomfortable or you feel that you are being put in a corner, simply turn around a walk away. A sign that you are not dealing with the best Norman OK bad credit auto dealer is if he wants to give you a deal at an unreasonably low interest rate. You know you have bad credit and you also know that you can’t expect to borrow money at prime. Bad credit auto dealers that that offer ridiculously low rates are looking to make it up elsewhere, often repo fees.
* Stay with dealers that are trustworthy:
Make it your business to find out which dealers have built their reputation on trust. Dealers that are trustworthy are those that actually do charge a higher, but still acceptable rate of interest. This is actually important; it shows you that the dealer genuinely wants to help you and that he plans on making money from interest payments and not repo fees. A Norman OK bad credit auto dealer that thinks like this is one that is just like you; in it for the long haul.
The key is, take your time. You are not obliged to deal with a specific auto dealer, if you feel you are being forced to accept something that you don’t want; you are free to walk away.
The best Norman OK bad credit auto dealer is one that not only wants to get you into a decent car but also to help you improve your credit score. When you visit Business Name you can begin test driving your choice of cars within 15 minutes. For more details on bad credit visit us.