Making Sure Your NJ Fire Sprinkler Systems Are Consistently Working

by | Oct 11, 2019 | Fire and Security

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You are going to want to look for reputable fire protection companies near NJ if you plan to open up any kind of business in that area. Without fire sprinklers, there is a risk of fire burning down your entire business, and that would cost you a lot of money and time rebuilding. Consider these aspects before hiring a fire protection company.

Flow Tests

An unreputable fire protection company could install new fire sprinklers and leave. However, you could run into issues if they didn’t test the sprinklers to make sure they are actually working. You’ll want to make sure that the company you hire does a flow test, which makes sure that water actually reaches your sprinkler system and sprays without any delay. Always ensure that you have flow tests done when installing new fire sprinklers.

Fire Pump Tests

You may find that the pipes in your wall are working perfectly to deliver water to your sprinklers. Over time, however, your fire pump could fail, which means that water can’t even be delivered to your sprinkler system. To make sure that your sprinklers will work in a time of need, you’re going to want to find a fire protection company that can do a fire pump test once they have installed your sprinklers. By having fire pump tests done regularly, you can make sure that you fix any sprinkler issues before a fire happens.


Finding the right fire protection companies near NJ that offer you the tests you need can be hard. Fortunately, our professionals at Newark Professional Fire Protection Corp. will do both tests for you, and we can come out if you are looking to have your pre-existing system inspected. Check out our services at

We will help you ensure that your fire sprinkler systems are working for your safety.

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