Methods for Removing a Tree Stump

by | Sep 4, 2013 | Landscaping

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There are many different methods for removing tree stumps after you have a tree cut down by a Tree Removal Service in Appleton. The following is a list of a few different methods for removing stumps.


There are different chemicals which are very effective in removing a tree stump. By boring holes into the stump, you can pack the holes full of the particular chemical. Most people cover the stump with a plastic material and let the material remain until the tree rots from the inside out. Salt is also used as an agent that can be put into the bored holes for stump removal. The salt dries up all of the moisture in the tree allowing rotting to take place.

Burning the Stump

One of the most inexpensive ways to get rid of your stump is by burning it. You should check your city ordinances and make sure that burning is permitted in your particular area. You should remove all debris surrounding the tree because it will be easier to maintain a small area of fire. Also digging a hole around of the stump is a good way to keep it contained in one area. Charcoal will work as an accelerate to keep the fire going until just the ashes of the stump are left. Be sure to have a fire extinguisher handy just in case the fire gets out of control.

Stump Grinder

Generally you can rent a stump grinder at an equipment rental shop for a reasonable price. The machine is gas powered and a blade with teeth that resembles a chainsaw. Always be sure to use this machine properly because it may cause injury if proper safety steps are not observed. If this machine is intimidating, contact professional Tree Services in Appleton, WI to complete the project for you.


Digging out the stump is the most physically laboring option of all of these. You begin by cutting the tree roots that are visible on the top of the ground. Begin digging as far down around the tree as you can cut roots as you come to them. When you feel you have dug down far enough, you can start using a pry bar to get the stump out of the ground.


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