The northern Atlantic waters along the coast of Scandinavia are among the cleanest in Europe. They’re arguably one of the few places on earth that forever plastics haven’t completely invaded, which makes them a perfect place for someone sourcing food materials to come to. You might be surprised to learn that the search for these fresh ingredients is to help those who are making cat chews for cleaning teeth.
Feline halitosis is a real problem that’s often caused by an out-of-balance oral ecosystem, but many pet owners rely on synthetic products to solve this issue. These aren’t doing their animals any favors. A group of natural food enthusiasts has sought to make cat chews for cleaning the teeth that are actually safe to use. They don’t contain preservatives or any other artificial chemical that could potentially make the problem worse.
Over time, synthetic compounds may increase the presence of foul odors in a cat’s mouth. This is especially true if the cat in question happens to be allergic to any of the substances that they’re being given. This can aggravate the mucus membranes inside of their mouths, which in turn causes inflammation and gives bacteria a place to thrive.
Pet owners who switch to natural tooth-cleaning cat chews might experience a fairly dramatic change when it comes to dental health. Since they’re better tasting than most synthetic products, they’re also likely to get the stamp of approval from the four-legged members of the family that matter the most.