Stone sinks made of granite and marble come in an array of choices and styles. Sinks of this type are as stunning as they are durable. However, when making a selection for a specific stone, you need to note the distinctions. As there are about 40 different kinds of marble and granite, you need to carefully review the selections.
Reviewing the Differences in Natural Stones
For instance, when looking at natural stone bathroom sinks in Rockledge, FL, you need to consider the nature of certain stones. Granite, for instance, ranges from soft and fairly porous stone to tightly-grained and harder stone. On the other hand, marble seems to have about the same porosity overall. Soapstone is the softest stone that is used for sinks and travertine needs the most care.
When reviewing natural stone bathroom sinks, remember that water drops can leave a residue and mineral deposits can accumulate. Therefore, you should always wipe down the sink after using it. This is especially imperative if you live in a location with hard water. Also, try to avoid pouring colorful liquids down the sink such hair dyes or fruit drinks. That is because some stone materials are more porous and will stain.
Cleaning Natural Stone
Cleaning specialists advise that natural stone bathroom sinks should never be cleaned with acid-based or abrasive cleansers as these kinds of products can etch or scratch the sink. Also, bathroom cleaners containing citrus should be avoided. Mild dish soap generally works on most stone. However, never use steel wool or a cleanser with an added pumice unless it is recommended by a manufacturer.
Different types of stone need various levels of sealing to ensure their integrity. Therefore, sealer use depends on the stone material. As a rule of thumb, a stone sink with an open grain should be resealed monthly. This can be accomplished by using a clear wax. Closed grains only need sealing yearly. You can learn more about trending stone sinks by visiting such sites as Natural stone is a lovely and reliable choice but just make sure you are aware of the differences.