No Need To Be Missing Teeth When You Have Dental Implants In Chicago

by | Dec 3, 2021 | Dentistry

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Too many people are missing teeth and don’t have to. They may have lost these teeth due to a personal injury or an automobile accident. Unfortunately, others have lost teeth because they do not practice good dental hygiene. This neglect can have a devastating effect on the way they smile. By the time they mend their ways, the damage they have done to themselves is permanent.

Younger adults may be missing teeth as well. Too many youngsters and teens lose strategic teeth in their mouths due to playing certain sports. While collegiate players may wear mouth protectors, high school athletes may not. All it takes is one fall or violent action for front teeth to be knocked out.

Dental Implants in Chicago can not only replace teeth that have been knocked out, but they can also make for a permanent replacement that never has to be removed. All it takes is an initial appointment with the dentist so that he can ascertain whether you are a good candidate for this dental procedure. If you have not been in a dental office for some time, you will also be asked to have a general appointment to look for tooth decay. Such matters as fillings and a professional cleaning should be accomplished before any treatment more serious is started.

Dental Implants in Chicago area take into consideration that patients who live in these areas have busy schedules. These teeth are implanted throughout a few appointments until they are perfect. In between these appointments, patients are fit with a part to cover any spaces that seem unsightly. This alone makes a great difference in the appearance of the doctor’s patients. You will also be able to learn about other dental treatments that can bring you the beautiful smile you’ve always dreamed of.

Art of Modern Dentistry is a Chicago-based dental office offering high-quality dental implants to replace missing teeth or correct ill-fitting dentures or bridges. This efficient procedure can take as little as a few weeks and will leave you with new teeth that both look and feel natural. For more details, visit their website or contact them today.

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