Outdoor Activities for Seniors in Retirement Homes Near Oregon City, Oregon

by | Aug 27, 2022 | Business

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We celebrate summer with traditional activities such as backyard barbecues, pool parties, and baseball games. It’s vital for seniors in retirement homes near Oregon City to get outside as often as possible during the warm summer months and enjoy the season in any way possible. Still, these activities may take on a different form for individuals as they age.

Here are some outdoor activities that older adults living at Mount Angel Towers may enjoy during the most beautiful time of the year!


It’s a well-known truth that food tastes better when consumed while lazing around on a soft blanket in the fresh air on a beautiful day. Put together a picnic basket with tasty treats and drinks that will revive your guests, and don’t forget to bring along some entertaining activities for older people to participate in.

Walking Clubs

Participating in an activity with a group of people is one of the most effective strategies to maintain physical motivation. There is power in numbers! You should get the older adults in your life involved in a walking group that you start. In addition to breaking a sweat and getting their recommended amounts of vitamin D, they will hold each other accountable for their actions.

Greenhouse Tours

Most local towns provide either a greenhouse or a conservatory accessible to members of the general public. During this gorgeous time of year, you should take seniors from retirement homes near Oregon City, along with some of their friends, to observe the trees that are beginning to turn green, the unusual flora, and the flowers that are blooming.

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