For some, pain is a everyday part of life. It’s felt with some part of the body everyday. Days of unending pain can be put behind those who experience it with the help of new advances in medical technology for Pain Management Mustang. There are medical procedures and physical therapy techniques that leave patients with no pain and no need to resort to major surgery. Arthritis, back pain and other chronic conditions that affect a great number of people can be alleviated to the point where the pain is not considered chronic anymore.
Radiofrequency ablation helps for Pain Management Mustang. It stimulates the nerve tissue with heat to block pain signals. It’s used to block nerve signals that contribute to pain in areas like the lower back and joints. Mild sedation and a simple anesthetic that deadens the nerves during the procedure is all that’s needed for preparation. Rf ablasion can eliminate pain for as long as two years. This minimally invasive medical procedure can replace complex open surgery. A fluoroscopy x-ray is used to guide a needle to the medial nerve. When the needle is positioned in the right location, an electrical current with a radiofrequency wavelength is sent through to treat the nerve. The surgical tools used to thread the needle through to the nerve are placed in the precise location it needs to be. It won’t go astray and target other nerves. A large stretch of time can go by between treatment sessions with pain relief lasting so long.
Platelet-rich plasma is a revolutionary treatment for injuries. Platelet cells are taken from the body to treat injuries of the bones, connective tissue and joints. It speeds up the healing process for injuries that cause chronic pain. The chemicals in platelet cells boost the healing process. Injecting the platelet cells right into the site of the injury spurs up healing, so chronic pain disappears much faster. Platelet rich plasma has already been used to help heal wounds and promote bone construction in hospitals for years. The staff at the medical office of Longevity Joint Spine Pain can lead people down the road to recovery and a pain-free life. Visit the website to learn more.