People Who Consume Large Amounts of Fruit May Need Dental Services in Glendale AZ to Treat Cavities

by | Mar 2, 2023 | Dental Services

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Dentists are able to determine certain aspects of a patient’s behavior by checking the condition of their teeth and gums. This is not limited to how often and how effectively the patient brushes and flosses, either. When an adult patient arrives to a clinic providing Dental Services in Glendale AZ, the dentist can tell when the individual is consuming too many sugary and acidic foods and beverages throughout the day, because doing so is hard on tooth enamel.

Detox Diets

For instance, a small percentage of people occasionally modify their diets for a specific length of time for detoxification purposes. A detoxification diet could consist only of fruit and vegetable juice, or of fruit and fruit juice.

The Sugar Known as Fructose

Fruit and fruit juice contain the sugar fructose. Many fruits also are remarkably acidic, particularly the citrus varieties. This isn’t too much of a problem if the diet lasts for a week or less, but some individuals decide to extend this detox program for a month or even longer. Unfortunately, long-term fruit and juice diets can result in cavities that must be treated at Dental Services in Glendale AZ.

Using Straws and the Timing of Brushing

One preventive solution to the detrimental effects on tooth enamel is to only drink juice through a straw and keep the sugary, acidic substance away from the teeth as much as possible. Another is to consume these foods and beverages only at mealtimes, then brush after 30 minutes has gone by. Brushing immediately after consuming acidic substances can actually cause additional wear to tooth enamel.

Fluoride and Xylitol

Two substances help rebuild tooth enamel: fluoride and xylitol. Fluoride is a common ingredient in toothpaste, whereas xylitol is often included in sugar-free gum as a sweetener. Someone who is trying to detox through a juice diet may not want to brush with fluoride paste or chew gum, but these are possible options for reversing problems with consuming too much acid and fructose.

Further suggestions can be provided by a professional dental practitioner such as a dentist at Beyond Dental Care. Visit the website to learn more about this particular organization.

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