Pro Tips for Commercial Greenhouse Management

by | Dec 20, 2017 | Home And Garden

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Commercial greenhouses have become a massive worldwide industry. The production of flowers and food is moving rapidly from outside to inside greenhouses with pretty good results. In just the past decade alone, the United States has grown from over three billion dollars in sales to a projected four billion dollars by 2020. This need is because of the need to produce more inside than outside due to lack of land, limited labor and water as well. Below you can find a few tips for commercial greenhouse management that you might need to know.

Environmentally Friendly and Cost Effective

All commercial greenhouses managers should strive to ensure that their greenhouses stay cost effective by keeping down energy bills and manageable. It is just as important to make sure that your greenhouse is environmentally friendly as it’s important for reducing your companies carbon footprint on the earth itself.

Reduce Air Leaks

One of the biggest things to make sure that your commercial greenhouses are running properly is to reduce the air leakage going out of the greenhouse. Losing artificial heat can be very expensive and damaging to the plants or food you are trying to grow. By paying attention to small gaps and holes in the envelope of the greenhouse, shutting off exhaust fans when they aren’t needed, and making sure that all windows and doors fit the way they should and close properly, you can go a long way towards saving on energy costs and reducing air leaks.

These are just a few pro tips for commercial greenhouse management, there are many more. Make sure that you follow the tips for greenhouse management for greater efficiency in your greenhouse productions. For more information on commercial greenhouses, contact the professionals at Atlas Greenhouse for answers to your questions.

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