Quality Company Training Videos in Irvine, CA From an Experienced Team

by | May 3, 2024 | Business

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Get your company training videos in Irvine made at a creative agency focused on full-service production. The right agency will have the experience to translate your ideas into a polished film that closely matches your brand. Company training videos are used in all kinds of industries to create accessible training sessions with consistent results.

Creating a training video entails working through the pre-production, production, and post-production stages of the studio process. A full-service creative agency will save you time by having nearly all the supplies and talent required for the video. The agency can work with your existing idea during pre-production as you refine the content for the video.

You may need to supply legal consent paperwork and copyright paperwork for any branded content in the film. You may need to provide consent forms for any voices and images by people who are not paid actors. Talk to your production team about any style requirements you have and the desired outcomes for your video. Your team should finalize a budget, a detailed calendar with milestones, and a script during pre-production.

The film crew will typically bring their cameras, lighting, a crew, actors, and any needed stage items to your site. Many production teams can film at your company building or at a designated studio once it’s time to film. You should have any company items or equipment you want to include ready to use at this time.

The team will assemble your video and add any music, animation, and special effects during the post-production stage.

Contact The Corporate Film Guys online at Thecorporatefilmguys.com for more information.

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