If your home has been damaged by water or you have moisture from leaky pipes, there’s a good chance that you have mold growth. Mold can rapidly spread on your floors, walls and ceilings, and contaminate the air that your breathe. Before the mold in your house makes you or your family sick, call Mold Cleanup in Monterey for restoration services.
Q.) Why should I hire a professional service when I can just clean up the mold myself?
A.) A professional service is experienced in mold cleanup and chances are, you’re not. Mold can’t be taken lightly and while you can wipe bleach water on your walls to get rid of some of the mold, you’ll never find the mold that can’t be seen. A professional company uses special equipment to find the mold spores that are hidden in the tiny cracks of your ceilings and walls. They also use high concentration cleaners to ensure that all of the mold is gone. If you want a guarantee that your home is mold free, then you must hire a qualified and experienced service to do the mold cleanup for you.
Q.) Can my family and I be in our home while the mold remediation service is cleaning up the mold?
A.) After the mold inspection and before the cleanup process begins, the inspector from CA will let you know if you can stay in your home during the cleanup. The answer will depend on how much mold growth was found in your home and the type of mold that’s present. If your mold problem is severe, it may not be safe for you and your family to stay in the home during the cleanup process. A professional company that does Mold Cleanup in Monterey takes safety very seriously, so if it’s unhealthy for you and your family to be in the home, they will let you know. If the inspector advises you not to be in the home, he can give you an estimate of how long the cleanup process will take.
Property Restoration Services in CA offers cleanup services in your home from damage due to water, fire, earthquakes and mold.