Seeing a Family Dentist in Kona on a regular basis is one of the best ways to help prevent major dental issues from developing in one’s mouth. By seeing a dentist twice a year, patients give the dentist a chance to examine their teeth closely and determine if there are any developing problems. By catching issues early on, the dentist can treat the issue while it is still small. This can make treatment much easier for the patient to endure and it can be less expensive as well.
One of the main issues a dentist will need to look for is cavities. Cavities occur it he teeth when a crack in the enamel of a tooth develops. This becomes an excellent place for food to be trapped. This can result in bacteria forming. Over time, the bacteria will begin to erode at the surface of the tooth and cause a hole or cavity to develop. If this is not treated promptly, damage can be done to the root and even the jawbone. Sometimes the tooth may need to be pulled to try to stop further issues from developing as well.
A dentist will generally be able to deal with a small cavity by drilling out the damaged parts of the tooth and then replacing it with a filing. This not only secures the tooth but it will stop any further damage from developing. While no one likes to have filings, they can be the best option for treatment when a tooth has a cavity.
If the tooth is not treated promptly and the situation is allowed to continue, the dentist will generally need to use treatments, which are more extensive and sometimes painful. Since most dentists, like Carter S. Yokoyama, DDS will strive to save the tooth, they may need to remove a good portion of the tooth due to damage and then use a crown to cover the tooth. If the damage is into the root, a root canal may also be required. Should these techniques not be sufficient, the tooth may need to be pulled and then the patient will need to have a dental implant to replace their missing teeth.
These procedures can be very involved and expensive as well. This is just one example of why seeing a dentist on a regular basis can be the best way to keep one’s teeth healthy and avoid these types of issues. Visit website for more information.