Reasons You Should Hire an Attorney for Your Estate Planning in Illinois

by | Jan 12, 2023 | Lawyer

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There are some circumstances when you need professional assistance to ensure your estate plans get set up according to your wishes and in accordance with legal requirements. Here are some typical scenarios where working with an estate lawyer might be preferable to accomplishing things yourself.

Blended Families

You may desire to leave assets to a stepchild, stepparent, or half-sibling when your family has a blended construct. Unless you take specific measures in your estate plan, these people are unlikely to receive any of your assets. You must take a different approach when including them in your estate, regardless of your relationship with them. To find out the legal steps to take and to set up their inheritance, you will need help from an estate planning attorney in Rockford, IL.

Irrevocable Trust

You must create an irrevocable trust if you are concerned about estate taxes or need to preserve your assets from legal disputes and creditors. It is advisable to first speak with an estate lawyer to determine whether or not an irrevocable trust is an appropriate option. Once you establish one, likely, it cannot be closed or amended. Because of this, it must get arranged most beneficially with an estate planning attorney in Rockford, IL.

Choosing an estate lawyer may seem like a challenging undertaking. However, you can get the guidance you need from speaking with the trustworthy staff at Crosby & Crosby LLP Attorneys at Law.

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