Receiving A Fair Settlement With The Help Of A Slip And Fall Lawyer In Muskegon MI

by | Jan 10, 2018 | Lawyers

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A dangerous condition can cause an individual to slip and fall causing serious injuries. A slip and fall can happen on a sidewalk, in a store, in a parking lot, and many other locations when the owner doesn’t correct a dangerous situation. When an individual has been injured by the negligence of another individual, they should contact a Slip And Fall Lawyer in Muskegon MI for help to receive a fair settlement.

After A Fall

When a slip and fall occurs, an individual should notify the owner or supervisor of the property and fill out an incident report with the details surrounding the dangerous condition and the injuries that were received. A victim should ask for a copy of the report and immediately seek medical treatment. There are time limits to file a claim against a negligent owner, and a victim should contact an experienced personal injury lawyer as quickly as possible.

What Compensation Can A Victim Receive?

A victim of a slip and fall accident can receive compensation for their medical bills, pain, suffering, and loss of wages because of the injuries they received. Following the instructions of a treating physician is very important, and a victim should never agree to settle a case without completing all of their medical treatment.

Other Types Of Cases A Slip And Fall Attorney Can Represent

A Slip And Fall Lawyer in Muskegon MI can provide the legal assistance victims need for automobile, motorcycle, trucking accidents and dog bites. All of these injuries are considered personal injuries that can be financially compensated by the negligent party.

Negotiating A Settlement Alone

A victim can attempt to settle a case on their own, but it won’t have the same outcome. Insurance companies have many attorneys working on their behalf and, a victim needs to have one fighting for their rights. The insurance company will try to force the victim to settle for an amount that is less than they a victim is eligible to receive.

A personal injury lawyer works on a contingency fee basis and offers a free consultation to discuss your case. For more information, please contact the Bleakley Law Offices P C.

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