Recover Your Lost Data

by | Feb 8, 2019 | Computer Support and Services

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You never know when a piece of essential equipment will fail in your home or at your business. If that piece of equipment happens to contain essential data, our data recovery services in New Jersey can help you get it back. Even if you have a backup of your data, it is still important to recover its source. Our services ensure that you get all of your information back promptly.

In addition to recovering the data that you knew you had, we also offer forensic data recovery services for businesses and law enforcement. Perhaps you had an employee who may have committed a crime and used your servers, computers or routers to cover up what they were doing. We can recover the data from a variety of devices, hard drive disks, and other systems. That information could be useful for law enforcement or for protecting your company against similar issues in the future.

Our information technology professionals also help with the recovery of data from obsolete sources. Maybe you have a personal computer that is 20 years old. Now you need the data from it. Our professionals get to work to recover the information and put it into a format that you can use today. We can also recover the data from an old storage device, such as floppy disks that you no longer have a way to use. Our team can put the data from the floppy disks onto another storage device that is more accessible for the type of equipment that you currently use at work.

When you or your business is in need of data recovery services in New Jersey, contact us at Cats Technology Solutions Group. You may also learn more about our data recovery services by visiting us online at website.

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