Relive Common Skin Complaints With Dry Skin Therapy in Fairfax County, VA

by | Nov 21, 2017 | Articles

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It is easy for people to look at their skin and see what they dislike. The most common complaints are brown spots, acne scars or wrinkles. These issues are all possible to address and correct. What too many people do is ignore what is actually their biggest skin concern. Dry skin is more than just a seasonal problem or something to slap any department store moisture over and forget about. Not addressing this problem is why many people experience other issues with their skin.

Heal Chronic Blemishes

Oil overproduction is not the only cause of pimples. Dry skin is damaged skin and this means it is vulnerable to infection. Without the proper cell turnover and adequate lipid layer of hydrated skin, there is the risk of problems from bacteria and fungi. Dryness also leads to itching and when people scratch they leave bacteria behind. Pimples appear more frequently when people touch their skin. Infections in these blemishes are more likely when the skin is already red and irritated because it is too dry.

Stop Premature Aging

Dry Skin Therapy in Fairfax County VA is not performed to stop wrinkles from developing. The skin does not become more wrinkled when it is dry. However, any wrinkles or fine lines on the face are much more noticeable when the skin is not as supple as it should be. Therapies that address this problem instantly reduce the appearance of aging due to creases and lines.

Regain a Glow

Dry skin is dull and lifeless. Removing these dead skin cells is part of Dry Skin Therapy in Fairfax County VA. Exfoliation buffs away the outer layer and reveals the fresh, softer skin underneath. Of course, this fresh skin will suffer the same fate as the removed cells if it is not given additional care. Retaining a youthful glow is a necessary step for anyone that wants to look young.

It is time to learn about proper exfoliation, hydration and how skin care changes as people age. Talk to the experts at to learn more about the cosmetics, hygiene products and habits that lead to dry skin. There are solutions available for everyone that wants to look young and fresh.

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