Nothing can ruin your image faster than the appearance of varicose and spider veins. Many people suffer because of their appearance, and think that varicose veins are just something that have to be lived with, but in reality, they can be treated.
Varicose are large, swollen and raised blood vessels, which can cause pain, swelling, and a burning or itching sensation. Spider veins are the smaller counter-parts of varicose veins. Both varicose and spider veins twist and turn and can become apparent just below the surface of the skin. While they are unattractive, in most cases both varicose and spider veins are harmless. However, some varicose veins can form a painful blood clot, which needs to be addressed immediately. There are many causes of these unsightly veins, and they are more common in women than men. Genetics, obesity, hormonal issues, and the use of birth control are the leading causes of varicose and spider veins, but they can also be caused by wearing garments that are too tight across the abdomen, like a girdle.
The treatment of these veins can vary from wearing support stockings to adopting a healthier lifestyle. Losing weight can aid in a reduction of the problem. But, in some instances, these treatments are not effective and professional intervention is necessary.
Laser Ablation in Albuquerque Metro NM, is a minimally-invasive procedure that can bring instant relief to the areas that are affected by varicose or spider veins. The procedure has a high success rate for completely removing the appearance of the veins. The Laser Ablation in Albuquerque Metro NM, procedure involves inserting a small laser fiber into the varicose vein, and then firing a laser against the wall of the vein. Varicose veins are typically reverse flowing, and do not affect the flow of blood through the body to the heart and lungs. After some time the varicose vein will disappear completely.
Since the procedure only takes about thirty minutes, it can easily be scheduled when it will not impact day to day life. Treatment of varicose or spider veins has come a long way, and no one needs to suffer from their painful and unsightly appearance any longer. If you wish to learn more about the options available for the treatment of varicose or spider veins, please click for additional resources.