Reverse Mortgage Loans: Lifesaver or Not?

by | Jul 29, 2016 | Financial Services

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Over the years, the equity you’ve built up in your home is one of the best assets you have. However, if you need to cash that investment up, it could take years of putting up the property for sale. There’s no guarantee that you’ll receive the amount you want. The house could sit on the market for years. You might even be forced to sell at a loss.

Reverse Mortgage: a Lifesaver

One way to tap into the equity of your home is by opting for a reverse mortgage. Unlike other loans in which you send monthly or annual payments to the bank, this loan works in reverse: the bank will send you the money instead. You pay back the loan and the interest when you or the person named in the loan passes on or decides to live elsewhere permanently. Since the loan cannot exceed the value of your property, you won’t have to worry that you might leave your children or heirs with standing debts.

A Word of Precaution

There’s no doubt that reverse mortgage loans can help cash flow. However, you need to make sure you have plenty of equity to make this happen, says US News. Your home’s market value is an important factor. There are also plenty of fees, so do the math before you say yes. Using the loan is a good way to give your income a boost. This allows you to reduce the financial pressure you live with, if you only rely on your pension and benefits to get you through every month.


If you’re interested in using your equity as a retirement tool, make sure you do your research. Know the requirements and assess the urgency of your needs or situation to know if this is the right solution for you. Browse this website for more information.

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