Roofing Options in Dayton OH

by | Aug 6, 2014 | Roofing

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First is the “built up roof” that is often considered a classic. A built up roof is a popular option that has been widely used in many houses for the last century. Some benefits of this type of roof include that it holds up well to a lot of traffic and abuse. There is a reason why it has lasted the test of time, and that is because the built up roof lasts a long time and is relatively low maintenance. Some drawbacks of this traditional type of roof include that it may not hold up well to thermal movement that may occur in places like California.

Nothing is worse than lining your house with pots and pans trying to catch the rain dripping from a leaky roof. Leaky roofs are more than an inconvenience, they can also cost homeowners big money in water damages. Homeowners in the market for Roofing in Dayton OH have many options, including R Campbell Roofing LLC, that will provide a variety of different roofs to choose from. What type of roof is best depends on your individual needs, and this article will discuss a few of the options out there.

A single-ply roofing system is another option that is available to homeowners. This type of roof is comprised of a single layer that is made of elastic or plastic material. Since there is only one layer, this layer is generally very thick. One benefit of a single-ply roofing system is that it is relatively inexpensive when compared to other roofing options. A downside to single layered roof is that homeowners need to be more cautious that it does not come in contact with many different kinds of oils.

A trend that is catching on in most areas in the United States, including Roofing in Dayton OH, is the metal roof. A metal roof is made up of thin sheets of metal that line the roof. The benefit of a metal roof is that it will last over fifty years. A downside to this type of roof is that it is more likely to leak, especially if it is not installed properly.

The built up roof, single-ply, and metal roof are just a few options available to homeowners, and next time your roof is in need of repair, call a professional roofing contractor that can set you on the right path.

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