From disabled individuals to senior citizens, some people have a difficult time moving around. Whether they have limited mobility that prevents them from walking a long distance or balance issue that makes them a fall risk. When a person is mobility impaired, it can be frustrating when a person is unable to reach specific areas of their home that they once did. Especially, another level that contains their sleeping quarters and bathroom. If an individual is not able to safely reach another level in a home, it requires modifications to the dwelling to make the residence livable such as placing their bedroom downstairs. Custom stairlifts in Nassau, NY area offers a solution that allows the individual to safely move from one level in their home to another.
Benefits of Installing a Stairlift
* Eliminates the need to remodel the home to add a downstairs bedroom or bathroom.
* The individual retains their independence to move another level in the home.
* Custom stairlifts in Nassau, NY can be used indoors and outdoors.
* Gives family members peace of mind their loved one can move around the home safely.
* Allows the individual to stay in their home instead of a long-term medical facility.
Options are Available to Fit Your Home
Whether you have curved stairs or straight, Alpha Care Supply offers a few types of stairlifts to help their customers in finding the right one for their home. They work with each client to find the right solution that fits their names with some of the utmost trusted brands available today. You or a loved one can retain your independence and remain in your own home when you take advantage of the equipment available. Reaching a different level in a home does not have to be a challenging task anymore!