Save a Family Heirloom with Oriental Rug Repair in New York City

by | Jan 8, 2016 | Rugs

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There are some things that should be thrown away when they get old and tattered. Sometimes furniture, rugs, clothing and even a beloved pocketbook cannot be saved no matter how much the owner wants to think otherwise. When it comes to an oriental rug, however, it is seldom necessary to toss the rug into a dumpster because it looks as if it is beyond repair. An oriental rug is not like other objects. They are timeless treasures handcrafted by artisans throughout centuries. If one is fortunate enough to come into possession of an oriental rug, even one in tatters, it would behoove the new owner to seek out Oriental Rug Repair in New York City.

Oriental rugs are an art form. When they are in need of repair, it should be done only by those who specialize in oriental rugs. These master craftsmen are highly trained – often through generations of family members. Whether the rug is damaged by fire or water, moth-eaten, torn by an overly excited puppy or just threadbare from years of footsteps, the rug can be given a new life. Craftsmen carefully and diligently match fibers from other rugs, so the colors blend and match. Fibers are chosen carefully for age and materials. They weave the fibers in by hand. When the Oriental Rug Repair in New York City is completed, it is hard to even detect where the damage was located.

Before the repair can be done, a little research should first be in order. A business such as website domain employs skilled artisans who will treat your rug as they would their own treasured heirloom. It is imperative to take the rug in for an estimate or at the very least, submit photos for evaluation. The process will be explained, and a cost and timetable of repair presented to you. Just remember if you ever come into possession of an oriental rug and it is damaged to where you think it should be thrown in the trash, think again. Most oriental rugs can be saved and enjoyed for many generations to come. Let skilled craftsman repair the damage and show you how beautiful your new rug can be.

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