Seeing a Family Dentist in St George UT

by | Mar 18, 2015 | Dental Services

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Everyone should have a dental examination at regular intervals, even if they maintain healthy oral hygiene. The dental examination is meant to prevent dental problems, help dentist get a diagnosis on the state of your mouth and suggest an appropriate treatment plan, if necessary. In addition, certain conditions or habits can affect oral health, such as tobacco or alcohol, certain diseases or medications. This article will help you determine if it is time to see a Family Dentist St George UT.

A dental examination includes an assessment of:

  • your teeth and gums
  • soft tissue under the tongue
  • the palate and
  • the inside of the cheeks

The frequency of examinations depend on the needs of each patient and a number of factors, including:

  • the state of oral health
  • regularity in daily dental care, including brushing and using dental floss
  • the general state of health and lifestyle

The dentist will check for gum infection or decay, fillings wear and any other unusual signs. Dentures, if any, are also examined. The dentist will also assess the state of health and lifestyle through a medical questionnaire. This questionnaire shall include:

  • your general health
  • previous hospitalizations
  • medications and drug allergies
  • risk factors, including tobacco and alcohol
  • dental history

The dentist may need to take X-rays to diagnose you properly. They are safe because patients are exposed to very small amounts of radiation onto targeted locations. The dentist also uses the means necessary to protect the patient, including a protective lead apron.

Why should you visit a dentist?

  • Teeth are discolored or have moved
  • High sensitivity of the teeth or gums with hot, cold or sweet foods and drinks
  • Discoloration, tenderness or bleeding gums when brushing teeth or using dental floss
  • Discoloration of the surface within the mouth
  • A sore on the lip or in the mouth, such as an ulcer, which lasts more than two weeks
  • Clenching or teeth grinding, or muscle tension in the neck and jaw
  • The appearance of bumps in the neck

Your Family Dentist St George UT recommends a visit every six months. During the examination, the dentist can change the frequency of visits, if necessary. You should also inform your dentist of any change since the last visit (new medication, illness, pregnancy, etc.). Visit Site to learn more.


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