Services Offered by Philadelphia Thomas Edison Electric Inc

by | Jul 30, 2013 | Construction and Maintenance

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The Philadelphia Thomas Edison Electric Inc. location offers many services to its customers. Whether for a home or business, anyone needing an electrician will be able to have their problem solved. Everything from power outages, to circuit breakers, to hot tub wiring can all be taken care of easily.

Surge Protector Installation One service offered by Thomas Edison Electric Inc. is the installation of surge protectors. When a power surge goes through the house, it can destroy or damage many of the electrical items that are currently plugged in at the time. A surge protector would limit the amount of damage done, if not prevent it altogether.

Shock Prevention With a specialized circuit breaker, shock can be prevented. This breaker will immediately shut down all power if a chance of electric shock occurs. This means it will be shut off before anything bad can happen. Any time there is a disturbance in the electrical current, the specialized breaker will turn itself off.

Fire Prevention In a similar way to how the shock preventative breaker works, there is also a break that can help prevent fire. The breaker will detect an electrical arc that is not working and immediately shut down before a fire can occur.

Hot Tub Wiring For those who have a hot tub installed, there is wiring working through the inside of the tub in order for it to heat the water. Water and electricity is extremely dangerous, so any faulty wiring needs to be taken care of immediately. Pools may also have wiring as well, particularly those that have lights in them. Both of these things need to be looked at by a professional to ensure they are working correctly and will not pose a threat to anyone who uses them.

With so many things in homes and businesses that require electricity to work, it is important to have an electrician on hand. By having a professionally trained electrician take a look at any faulty wires or install preventative units that will decrease the chance for a problem occurring, the home and those in it will remain safe. Any type of electrical service one needs will be taken care of by the Philadelphia Thomas Edison Electric Inc. location.

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