Signs It’s Time for Facade Repair in Philadelphia Repair

by | Oct 10, 2019 | Construction and Maintenance

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Even if the façade of a building looks strong, a concrete foundation is the ultimate source of its strength. There are natural factors that can seriously harm a property when repairs are left unaddressed. Here are some signs for those who own a commercial property to watch for that indicate that it’s time to call for facade repair in Philadelphia, PA.

Uneven Walls, Floors or Surfaces

Concrete foundations are prone to upheaval, which causes the foundation to rise instead of settle. This can result from an improperly designed foundation or an increase in the clay soil moisture. To keep this from happening, install a proper drainage system around the structure.

Cracks in Walls, Bricks or Windows

A very common concrete foundation issue is settling. Over time, a building will naturally sink into the ground; however, if foundation problems are not remedied, the shift can cause structural ailments and the exterior of the building can be impacted.

Foundation with Large Cracks

Make a point to inspect the concrete foundation of the property for cracks occasionally. These can be caused by several factors, including upheaval and settlement. A large crack may lead the foundation to separate at the joints. This allows bugs, water and moisture to enter the business.

Sticking Doors and Cracks in the Walls

Shifting is similar to settling in that the process does not take place overnight. Rather, it slowly creates problems for the structure. Calling for help when there is the first sign of a problem can prevent significant damage later on.

Excessive Moisture Buildup Around the Property

Poor drainage is a leading cause of concrete foundation damage. When signs of water damage start to arise, foundation failure may already be taking place, and cracks can expedite moisture buildup around the business. In some cases, a plumber and a foundation expert might be needed.

Those who have noticed any of these signs with a concrete foundation and feel they might be in need of Facade Repair in Philadelphia PA can contact Mara Restoration. Visit them at the website. They have extensive experience in property preservation. They work with brick and stone as well as anything in between. They are committed to superior workmanship.

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