Although the expected lifespan for any gutter system will vary depending on factors like weather conditions and how much regular maintenance is provided, all systems have one thing in common: eventually, they will require repairs. It’s difficult to pin down any kind of general timeline for when to expect Gutter Repair in Olympia Wa to become necessary. Instead, it’s best to look out for the following common signs of decay and disrepair.
Sagging Gutters
When gutters begin to droop between supports it’s generally a sign that they are in serious need of repairs. The reasons that gutters begin to sag can vary, but the eventual effect is just about always the same: gutters pulled straight off of the home’s fascia. This unfortunate event is often damaging to the exterior walls and the roof itself as well. That’s why it’s best to contact a professional for Gutter Repair in Olympia Wa as soon as the gutters begin to sag.
Small Cracks
Often small cracks and splits can be repaired without requiring the replacement of the entire segment of gutter affected. Without immediate attention, though, these initially small cracks can turn into huge, and sometimes irreparable, gaps.
Overflowing Gutters
If a home’s gutters are consistently overflowing when it rains, there is almost certainly something seriously wrong. The problem may be that they are not draining correctly, or it may be that they are not large enough to handle the amount of water flowing into them. Drainage failures can often be repaired. Inadequate holding capacity may need to be addressed through replacing them completely, though. In either case, the best time to take action is always as soon as possible. Overflowing gutters can cause damage to the siding and allow water to pool around the home’s foundation.
Flooding Near Foundation
Even if the gutters appear to be in good working order when it is dry enough to evaluate them, water pooling near the foundation of the home is always bad news. This pooling can be the result of acute damage or improper installation. The only way to know for sure what steps must be taken to fix it is to call in a professional for an evaluation.