Air conditioning units are built to last a long time, but they will eventually need to be replaced. There are typically indications that a unit is nearing the end of its useful life. By being aware that the time is swiftly approaching for a new Air Conditioner Phoenix, it is easier to make plans for the replacement rather than having to make a decision on the spur of the moment.
Decrease in Efficiency
One of the first signs that the days is coming when an Air Conditioner Phoenix will be necessary is a change in how well the home is kept cool. Units that are beginning to wear out may not be capable of keeping the temperature uniform throughout the house. Pay close attention to the development of warmer areas in the home which were once comfortable. This is often one of the first signs that the owner will have to make a decision between a major repair or a complete replacement.
Higher Energy Bills
Along with less efficient function, the homeowner may notice that the unit is consuming more energy. That becomes evident when the power bill arrives. Seeing a bill that is significantly more than it should be is a sure sign something is up. Assuming there are no other factors that can account for the increase, it stands to reason that the Air Conditioner Phoenix needs to be checked. If it will take a lot of money to repair the unit, it never hurts to see how that cost compares to the expense of purchasing and installing a new one. Click here to learn more.
More Noise
As units begin to wear out, the homeowner can expect the system to make more noise. At first, the noises will not be that loud. Over time, they become more frequent and harder to ignore. If the current unit makes a noise loud enough to wake up everyone at night, then the time has come to make a change.
For help in selecting a new air conditioning unit, contact Arizona Refrigeration Service Inc today. Doing so will make it much easier to focus on selections with the right features and power to cool the home efficiently.