Signs That You Should Consider Visiting an Eye Clinic in London

by | Mar 16, 2023 | Articles

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Having good eyesight is essential to living a healthy and enjoyable life. Depending on your lifestyle, age, or genetics, regular eye examinations are necessary in order to maintain optimal vision. Aside from regular appointments, however, signs and symptoms may occur that indicate it is time to visit an eye clinic in London. Here’s a look at just a few of them.

Changes in Vision

One of the clearest signs that you should consider visiting an eye clinic is a sudden change in your vision. This could be anything from blurry or double vision to light sensitivity, night blindness, and even blind spots. If you notice any of these issues, it’s best not to delay and schedule an appointment with an eye doctor as soon as possible.

Pain, Redness, or Discharge

Another common sign that you should visit an eye clinic in London is if you have any pain in your eyes, accompanied by redness or discharge. These can be signs of inflammation, infection, or a more serious issue and should be examined by a professional.

Floaters or Flashes

Floaters are small spots that appear in your vision, and flashes are brief streaks of light. Both can be symptoms of some serious eye issues and should always be checked out by an eye doctor.

For any of these issues, the sooner a diagnosis and treatment plan is established, the better chance you have of preserving your vision. Contact The Harley Street Eye Centre to learn more and schedule an appointment today.

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