If you have a septic tank system, you need to make sure you are maintaining it. If you do not keep a close eye on it, it can develop a serious problem very quickly. There are certain signs that you might need sewage restoration. If you keep your eyes out for these signs, you will be able to avoid more significant problems.
Potential Problems
If you are looking for signs of problems, there are a few specific things you should look for. For one, you should watch out for different smells coming from your fixtures. If you smell sewage coming from your sink or shower drains, you could have sewage backing up into your home. You should contact experts in sewage restoration in Sorrento, FL. If you contact them quickly, they can drain your system before the sewage ends up on your floor. Also, you should look for signs outside your home as well. Sorrento, FL, sewage restoration experts can help you address any problems you have with your septic tank.
Signs Outside the Home
Many signs of problems are noticeable from inside the house, including sewage smells, multiple clogged drains, and slow-draining fixtures. However, there are also signs outside of your house. Your septic tank works by separating waste into three layers. Solid waste sinks to the bottom of your septic tank, and the oils from the waste rise to the top. Since oil and water don’t mix, the layer in the middle of your septic tank is water. That water then leaches out into your yard. This water is actually very rich in nutrients, which is why a yard with a septic tank is often greener than other yards. However, if you don’t call sewage restoration experts, the sewage can back up, and the waste can begin to leach into the yard. If you see puddles when it hasn’t rained, call an expert.