Signs Your Home’s Heat Pump May Need Replacing

by | Oct 12, 2016 | Heating and Air Conditioning

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You may not think about your Georgia home’s heating unit too often, but when it starts to malfunction, fixing it typically becomes a high priority. There are several factors that might cause your furnace to break down, and one of the most common is a dying heat pump. If you are concerned about whether you need to call for professional heat pump installation in Newnan, here are a few signs that it might be time.

Your Heating Bills Are on the Rise

While your heating costs may vary slightly from month to month depending on the weather, a sudden spike in your heating bills might mean that your heat pump is on the verge of giving out. When these units reach the ends of their lives, they may not work as efficiently. A company that specializes in heat pump installation in Newnan may be able to tell you how old your unit is and why it may need replacing.

When Breakdowns Are Common

If you find yourself calling for furnace repair more than a few times during the winter months, then it might be time to replace its heat pump. Once these units reach the age of ten or fifteen years, they may begin to fail and need servicing more often than a new unit might, which means more repair bills for you. Having your furnace’s heat pump replaced can help you avoid frequent repairs and may allow your home’s heating unit to run more quietly as well.

Unit Does Not Obey Set Temperatures

When a furnace is running at peak condition, you typically have to adjust the thermostat less often, and it usually runs efficiently without a lot of interference. If you find yourself having to fiddle with your thermostat more often to get it to run at the desired temperature, this could be a sign that the heat pump is failing and may need replacing.

Calling in a company for heat pump installation in Newnan may help you lower your heating costs and result in more efficient heating for your home. Visit website for more information.

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