Situations Calling for Professional Dentistry in Wichita, KS

by | Jul 28, 2015 | Dentistry

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While there are over-the-counter products that can help with minor dental issues, there are times when the only practical solution is to seek professional Dentistry in Wichita KS. Choosing to call a dentist will often mean preventing more serious issues from arising. Here are some examples of situations calling for the aid of a professional.

Swollen Spots Along the Gums

If a patient notices a lump or swollen area developing anywhere along an upper or lower gum, that could be a sign of infection. Rather than running the risk of things getting worse, it pays to seek professional Dentistry in Wichita KS, as soon as possible. The dentist can examine the gum and determine if an abscess is developing and what needs to be done to deal with the infection.

Loose Teeth

After being involved in an accident that causes one or more teeth to loosen, a trip to the dentist is definitely in order. The professional can check the teeth for damage and see what must be done to stabilize them. In some instances, seeking professional help will make it possible for the teeth to settle back into their original position and remain healthy for many more years.

Tooth Pain

Sudden pain in any tooth means something is gravely wrong. The problem could be the development of a small cavity that is leaving a nerve exposed, or the enamel could be wearing thin. The only way to know for sure is to seek help from a dentist. Once the origin of the pain is identified, it will be much easier to determine what course of treatment will provide relief and protect the integrity of the teeth.

Remember that regular dental care will go a long way toward keeping teeth healthy well into the retirement years. For those less than diligent with exams and cleanings, Click here to make plans for a complete dental examination. The dental professional will determine if there is any type of work needed, go over the particulars with the patient, and do whatever is needed to make sure the individual enjoys the best possible level of dental health.

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