Smoother and Refreshing Skin is Obtainable with a Chemical Peel

by | Jul 14, 2017 | Skin care

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When a person has less than perfect skin, it can leave them feeling self-conscious about their looks and make them shy away from others. Whether they have sun-damaged skin, acne scars, or wrinkles it can affect how they feel about their self and interact with other people. With a lowered self-esteem, they can experience problems with relationships or lack the confidence required to obtain a promotion at work. Fortunately, a chemical peel in Fayetteville can be the solution they are looking for to obtain rejuvenated and smooth skin that can help them regain their self-confidence.

How a Chemical Peel Works

When a chemical peel in Fayetteville is applied to a person’s face, the alphahydroxy acid will penetrate the dermis of the skin to stimulate fibroblasts beneath the skin. The chemical will then promote new elastin and collagen to be produced to increase the growth of new skin cells on the area. This will help progress the texture and skin tone while removing the older skin cells from the face. The whole process can be completed within 15 minutes and may require multiple treatments to help achieve the desired results. From removing the dull lifeless skin to decreasing fine lines in the face, a chemical peel can help a person look years younger than they really are.

Regain Your Confidence Today!

If you are unsatisfied with how your skin appears and want to achieve a more youthful appearance, you should consult an expert on how a chemical peel can help you. At Bella Medical Aesthetics, PC they offer a range of services to their clients to help them obtain their desired look. Whether you are looking to remove unsightly veins in your legs or attain beautiful skin, their skilled staff can aid you in finding an affordable and effective treatment.

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