Sprague Gas Booster: The Boost Your Industry Needs

by | Apr 15, 2016 | Business

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At this time and day, any industry that needs to run efficient gas operations is largely reliant on pressure manipulation. No matter how perfect project plans are, without enough tools to help carry out complex procedures in the work field, business goals will turn into ashes. To provide you solutions for handling gas pressures and other industry-related aspects, Sprague has devised products that will suit your specific and highly delicate needs. With the help of Sprague, you can expect highly efficient and unimpeded operations.

About Sprague

Originally designed to offer support for hydrostatic testing in the aerospace industry, Bob Sprague founded his own company and created a wide range of products that meet the needs of diverse industries. Sprague is now one of the leading suppliers of a range of products including power units, booster and pumps. It primarily serves industrial, aviation, chemical and oil and gas businesses worldwide.

Sprague Gas Booster

In applications that are restricted in terms of bottle or system pressures, gas boosters are highly important for the success of the operations. The principle works by escalating pressure that was already pre-charged. Simply put, Sprague gas booster has almost the same working mechanism as hydraulic pumps where low gas pressures are converted into higher pressures. It is ideal for compressing bottle gas and the likes, or when regulation on gas and air pressures is needed.

Sprague Gas Boosters: Types and Applications  

Gas boosters come in different models, and they were all designed for a specific purpose. If you are caught between choosing different kinds of products, you can gain a pointer or two from the descriptions below.

  • S86JN Gas Booster    
  • Specs: Self-lube, with pressures reaching 10,300 psi, either single or double-ended
  • Applications: Designed specifically for industrial use, S86JN Gas Booster can be used for inflating high pressure tires, transferring gas from one container to another,     charging accumulators or actuating air chucks.
  • P4BS Power Star4 Gas Booster
  • Specs: Self-lube, with pressures reaching 13,500 psi, either single or double ended
  • Applications: P4BS Power Star4 Gas Booster was engineered for various applications in industries that fall into agriculture, fire protection, aerospace, packaging, machine tool and the likes. It was created to enable utilization of commercial bottled gases that are as low as 50 psig.
  • P4AA4 Air Amplifier
  • Specs: Either single or double-ended, pressures up to 450 psig
  • Applications: P4AA4 Air Amplifier is mainly used to increase air pressure in shops.

Gas boosters may not be one and alike, but they all have their own set of uses. By learning about a product before you decide to purchase it, you are enabling yourself to make the best buying decision for your business.

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