Starting a Dog Attack Claim with a Personal Injury Lawyer in Tucson

by | Sep 20, 2017 | Personal Injury

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In Arizona, pet owners face certain liabilities if their dog attacks a neighbor or a visitor. For this reason, pet owners must follow specific city ordinances related to keeping a dog on their property. These ordinances require the pet owners to use leashes when their dogs are outside their home. If they fail to comply, they could face a lawsuit and fines for these violations. A personal injury lawyer in Tucson provides legal representation for victims of dog attacks.

Traumatic Injuries and Reports

Traumatic injuries that occur during a dog attack are reported by a doctor. The doctor or their staff collects information from the victim about the dog, including the breed of dog, the location of the attack, and the dog’s owner. The report is filed with the county animal control officer.

The Actions of the Animal Control Officer

The animal control officer issues a notice to the pet owner. If the owner’s name is not available, the officer conducts an investigation to find the owner. Once the owner is found, the officer acquires details from him or her about the dog’s vaccinations for the rabies virus.

When Vaccinations Wren’t Acquired

Any owner that doesn’t maintain rabies vaccinations is required to surrender their dog to a licensed vet. The vet places the dog in a twelve-day quarantine to determine if the dog has rabies. At the end of the quarantine, the dog is vaccinated at the owner’s expense. The vet files a report with the animal control officer about their findings.

How Strict Liabilities Are Used

A strict liability is used if the dog attacked previously. Any report discovered by the animal control officer of a previous attack is used against the owner. A strict liability requires the owner to pay all medical costs for the victim as well as an award for pain and suffering.

In Arizona, pet owners must comply with all laws related to owning a dog. These laws include local leash laws and vaccinations for the rabies virus. Pet owners who don’t follow necessary measures to prevent an attack is liable for all injuries sustained. Victims of a dog attack who need a personal injury lawyer in Tucson can contact the lawyers at Price and Price Law Office.

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