Taking Care Of Your Septic System With A Septic Tank Service In Bellingham WA

by | Oct 6, 2022 | Articles

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Your septic tank is a very important part of your home. However, most homeowners are unaware of this. Your septic system is connected to the plumbing inside of your home. If something goes wrong with your septic tank, you can rest assure that you’ll know about it. Let’s take a closer look at how a septic system can affect your home.

When you flush your toilet, where do you think the water goes? Believe it or not, but some homeowners think that the water goes immediately into the sewer – not true at all. The water from your toilet goes down your plumbing and into your septic tank. Nearly all residential septic tanks are located underground near the home. The waste from your toilet enters your septic system, where the water and waste will eventually separate from one another.

Any Septic System in Bellingham WA will tell you how sensitive your septic tank actually is. For example, when it comes to your toilet, you can’t simply flush any and everything. For starters, flushing the wrong things can clog your toilet. Coincidentally flushing the wrong things down your toilet can also clog your septic system. You should only flush things that can easily breakdown in water. Tissue is very thin and can easily tear apart. However, diapers and paper towels don’t easily break down, and therefore can cause your septic tank to clog.

In addition to too much of the wrong waste, running too much water can also negatively affect your septic tank. Your septic system needs time to process the water and waste that it receives. Constantly running water can cause you septic tank to overflow. To avoid overflowing your tank, don’t overuse your water supply. For example, only use your washer once or twice a week. Also, when you take a bath or shower, don’t use more water than is necessary.

If your septic system clogs or overflows, you’ll need to contact a system for Septic Pumping in Bellingham WA. These professional services will carefully pump your system to get rid of the excess water and waste. It may cost a lot of money but hiring a Septic Tank Service in Bellingham WA would be the best way to avoid a plumbing disaster.

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