Taking Steps Towards Better Recycling in Cape Cod MA

by | Jul 8, 2015 | Recycling

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For the past several decades, more and more people have become informed about how important it is to recycle. In the United States alone, every hour, over two million plastic bottles are thrown away; however, only a fraction of plastic bottles are being properly recycled. The services for Recycling Cape Cod MA has available are working to make it much easier for everyday people to recycle the materials they use. The following are a few tips for those looking to help their environment.

The first thing people should learn about are the three R’s: reduce, reuse and recycle. One of the best ways to help save the environment is for people to be more conscious about the amount of waste that they consume. Tens of thousands of newspapers and magazines are thrown away every day. On average, every person in the United States throws away about four pounds worth of trash each day of the year – nearly two tons of waste annually! The services for Recycling Cape Cod MA has available are constantly working to process as much waste as possible.

More people should also make more of an effort in their attempt to reuse the products that they buy and consume. For instance, people will often throw away perfectly good clothes, shoes, appliances and accessories simply because they have no use for them. Instead of throwing away that flat screen television that has malfunctioned consider taking it, and all other broken appliances, to a repair shop. All of these items can be reused by yourself or by another person before they’re completely disposed of by the service for Recycling Cape Cod MA offers.

Consumers should also be more conscious about how they recycle the items they use. Not all waste that’s thrown away can go into a recycling bin. Paper plates and other items that have been soiled with food may need to be thrown into the trash. All paper, glass, and plastic items should be thoroughly cleaned before being placed in a recycling bin.

For more detailed information and advice, speak to a professional at a service for Recycling Cape Cod MA has available. Again, reducing the amount of waste being used will have a huge impact on the environment. Focus on reusing as many items as possible before throwing them away. Lastly, think about what you’re throwing away before you do so.

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