The fact is that everyone passes away eventually. Choosing to make some plans in advance provides the opportunity to make sure things are done to the liking of the individual. As part of the planning process, it pays to work with a professional to explore different options for Funeral Home Services in Hayward CA. Here are some specific points to address as part of that planning.
The Timing of the Service
Funeral Home Services can take place at just about any time desired. Some people prefer that their memorial services take place as soon after death as possible. Others, especially those with loved ones who must travel long distances to attend, may leave instructions for the service to be delayed by several days. The traditions observed by different faiths may also influence exactly when the service occurs. Taking all these factors into account will make it easier to designate how much time should pass between the date of the death and the actual service.
Cremation Before or After the Service?
For people who wish to be cremated rather than buried, it is important to decide if the cremation will occur prior to the memorial service, or take place later. One advantage of having the memorial service first is that mourners have the opportunity to see the deceased one last time. That can often help provide the closure that some people need to accept the death. Many funeral home directors can supply a temporary casket that can be used for the service, then ensure the body is transported to the crematorium afterward.
For those who prefer to be cremated first, it helps to select an urn in advance. The staff at the crematorium will make sure the ashes are placed in the urn, and that it is returned to the funeral home or the house of worship where the memorial service will take place. After the service is complete, the next of kin will accept the urn and carry out any other wishes that the deceased left in place.
For those who see the value in making arrangements in advance, contact Holy Sepulchre Cemetery today. It will only take a little while to work out the particulars and make sure the wishes of the client are followed to the letter when the time comes.