The Advantages of Customized Shoe Inserts From a Capital Prosthetics and Orthotic Center Inc in Columbus, OH

by | Oct 4, 2017 | Healthcare

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Podiatrists and other doctors who help patients with structural abnormalities in the feet can feel a bit frustrated when people insist on trying over-the-counter orthotic devices that fit into their shoes. Instead, customized devices from a supplier like Capital Prosthetics and Orthotic Center Inc in Columbus OH are better for comfort and mobility because of their precise fit. They are molded to the shape of the individual’s foot. Click Here for information on this particular organization.

When OTC Products Are Suitable

After an evaluation of the patient’s feet, the doctor will determine whether there is a problem that can be helped with over-the-counter products or personalized orthotics are necessary.

Over-the-counter products are generally suitable when someone with normal feet feels the need for extra support. This person may have a job requiring a lot of standing and may find that shoe inserts from a drugstore keep their feet comfortable. Someone with plantar fasciitis, an inflammation of the tissue on the bottom of the foot, also should do well with those products.

People Who Need Customized Devices

However, these generalized inserts don’t work very well for someone with fallen arches, flat feet, or other structural issues. A person with Morton’s neuroma also will experience better results with customized products from an organization such as Capital Prosthetics and Orthotic Center Inc in Columbus OH.

This disorder causes pain in the balls of the feet that can be debilitating. It usually develops because of too much pressure on that area of the feet due to tight high heels or strenuous athletic activity. People with wide feet who have trouble finding shoes to fit properly also may develop this condition.

Consequences of Chronic Foot-Related Pain

Without customized orthotics in their shoes, people who experience foot pain because of structural issues or certain disorders will not be able to stand or walk for any length of time. Some develop knee, hip, or back pain because they automatically adjust their posture in a detrimental way to accommodate their foot problems. Research has found that these kinds of pains lead people to be less active physically and in society in general.

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