The Advantages To Using Cigarette Filter Tubes

by | Dec 24, 2015 | Cigar Shop

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For cigarette smokers who enjoy the idea of having full control over their smokes while still producing a top looking cigarette, cigarette filter tubes can offer a lower priced option over pre-packaged cigarettes.

These cigarette filter tubes come in carton-like boxes, and they include the actual tube for the tobacco as well as a filtered end. This allows you to select the type of tobacco you wish to enjoy, as well as how tightly or loosely you want to pack the tube.

It is important to realize that once you have mastered the actual process of tubing, these cigarettes are virtually impossible to tell from a commercially manufactured smoke. They will not have the problem of coming apart like cigarettes made with papers, and they provide a more consistent and uniform smoking experience time after time.

The Key Factors

If you are going to start using cigarette filter tubes to make your own smokes, there are actually three key factors to consider. The first is the actual cigarette filter tubes, as you want to choose the type of final product you want. There are full flavor, light, menthol and even light 100’s tubes to choose from, and most come in cartons of 1000 tubes per box.

Second, you want to choose the right type of tobacco for your cigarette filter tubes. When starting out with the machine and the tubes make sure to select a dry tobacco that has a fine cut. This makes it easier to master the process. After you are comfortable, you can choose any type of cut or moisture content for your tobacco.

The third critical factor to consider is the actual machine. There are some machines that are designed to produce large volumes of cigarettes in a very short time, and others are simple hand type of machines that are used to produce smokes as needed.

Common Issues

The most common issues people experience when starting with cigarette filter tubes is not putting enough tobacco in the machine or overfilling the machine. When there is too little tobacco, it will fall out of the cigarette or the smoke will burn very fast and very hot, often with a harsh taste.

Too much tobacco in cigarette filter tubes will create a bumpy and sloppy looking smoke that will be difficult to enjoy. These smokes typically won’t stay lit as there isn’t enough draw to keep the cigarette going. Experimenting and trying different types of tobaccos and different amounts will help you develop just the right combination.

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