The Advantages You Gain From Measuring Bolt Tension via Ultrasonic Means

by | Aug 17, 2022 | Business

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If you are in the manufacturing industry, then you definitely need a way to test certain parts that are used. In many cases, these testing methods are complicated and time-consuming. However, this is not the case when it comes to ultrasonic bolt load tension measurement. There are many benefits to using this type of testing.

Little Downtime

One negative aspect of testing methods is that they also lead to a fair amount of time of the machines being down. While it is a necessary “evil,” it still doesn’t take away the fact that you are losing money every hour the machines are not operating. With ultrasonic testing, the amount of downtime that is experienced is greatly reduced. This makes it good for not only the safety factor but the bottom line as well.


Since the testing is done on the bolts using soundwaves, there is no damage to the parts that occur during or after. This leaves them safe for future use. Since the bolts are being tested for wear regularly with the added benefit of no harm being done, you can rest assured that the machines will be operating exactly to spec.

Stops Foreseeable Risks

It is not uncommon for bolts to need repair or complete replacement. What is uncertain though is when exactly those bolts will need it. By using ultrasonic bolt load tension measurement to perform regular tests, you can be certain when these repairs will need to take place so as to avoid any accidents.

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