The Available Options in Modern Hearing Aids in Allentown, PA

by | Mar 27, 2017 | Ear Infection

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Following a hearing test, the next step will be getting fitted with the perfect hearing aid. This option is not as fast and simple as it once was because there are many Hearing Aids in Allentown PA available to consumers today. Not only will people need to find one that meets their hearing needs, but they will also have different styles and features to consider.

Choosing the Fit

Some hearing aids fit into the ear and others are designed to tuck deeply into the ear canal where they cannot be seen. Hearing Aids in Allentown PA can sit behind the ear with a tube that relays sound into the ear or with a receiver that is placed in the ear canal. Choosing between these models is partially personal preference and sometimes based on the type of hearing loss the client is experiencing.

Deciding on Features

Modern hearing aids come with many features that make them more functional and comfortable than ever before. There are automatic sound adjustments that raise the volume on soft sounds and lower loud noises. Some offer directional microphones that make it possible to tune out loud background noises. There are feedback and digital noise reduction technology and devices that operate comfortably with cellphones and tablets. Wireless, Bluetooth and remote control options increase convenience as well. Some models even offer self-learning technology that adjusts over time to the user’s preferences. For instance, it can recall the times of day the user typically turns the device up or down and eventually performs this action on its own.

Choosing Something Unique

Hearing aids are no longer designed just for function. Manufacturers understand people want style as well. Many traditional aids are made to be invisible or nearly undetectable. Others are designed to be seen. There are now hearing aids available that look like accessories like earrings or sunglasses, patterned hearing aids that people will want others to see and even solar powered models. These cutting-edge designs are expensive and they are not available everywhere but they do offer an option for self-conscious teens or other trendsetters.

There are no generic hearing devices so everything begins with a hearing test. This is an important starting point because hearing loss is not always permanent. There is the chance that the hearing difficulties could be caused by a treatable condition. This is why companies like perform a thorough exam on the first visit.

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