The Benefits Associated With Recycling In Long Island NY

by | Nov 22, 2017 | Recycling

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One of the simplest ways to do something good for the environment is to dispose of any plastic, metal or paper waste through a recycling center. Though more people have become aware of the many benefits to regular recycling, there are still others who are not sure what the benefits are and how one small change can have a significant impact on the world as a whole. The following is a quick look at the three most common reasons more people are choosing to incorporate Recycling in Long Island NY into their waste routine.

Reduce Overall Energy Consumption

It is estimated that the energy it takes to produce one glass bottle can power a light bulb for up to four hours. It may not seem like much on the surface, but the average household disposes of 10 every week, which is enough to power a lamp for several days. Though it seems insignificant, it adds up and when multiple families or businesses recycle it can lead to significant energy savings.

Reduce Carbon Emissions

Processing raw materials for use in end consumer goods is a lengthy process, and often requires the use of oil-based energy sources. These energy sources produce emissions that are harmful to the ozone and are thought to be the primary contributor to global warming. Recycling in Long Island NY reduces the number of raw materials needed for the production of products, which can reduce the emissions released into the atmosphere.

Eliminate Wasteful Mining

The materials needed to fabricate plastic, glass, and metal goods have to be mined using large pieces of equipment that utilize fossil fuels and can wreak havoc on the natural landscape. Recycling prevents the need to mine for raw materials and reduces the impact that a family’s consumption has on the environment as a whole. It also preserves beautiful areas and prevents them from being abandoned after they have been depleted.

Recycling may seem overwhelming at first, but a company that provides dumpster rental and curbside pickup can streamline the process. The waste removal experts at V. Garofalo Carting Inc. offer commercial and residential services and make it easy to have a positive impact on the environment. Contact them today to learn more and take the first step in doing something good for the earth.

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