The Difference a Structured Water Molecule Makes in Your Drinking Water

by | Jul 18, 2024 | Water Filtration

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Your drinking water your family relies on for hydration, cooking, cleaning, and more is a vital part of your everyday life. But did you know there are ways you can improve it without altering the benefits it already has? It all comes down to the differences between an unstructured and a structured water molecule – and how those molecular differences can have a huge impact on your water’s quality!

Structured Water vs Standard Water

The differences between structured and unstructured water begin at the molecular level. Standard water – both tap and filtered – has a random molecular structure. This is because the hydrogen bonds within the water are constantly breaking down and reforming, creating a dynamic but inconsistent molecular structure.

The structured water molecule is different. These molecules are more orderly, forming a hexagonal shape and creating a more consistent structure that offers several important benefits.

Benefits of Structured Water

Science is still catching up to the many benefits that structured water proponents have demonstrated. However, there is ample anecdotal evidence that shows improvements everywhere from taste and texture to the ability of structured water to hydrate and nourish the body. Some of these benefits include:

• Enhanced hydration. Structured water molecules may help to hydrate cells more effectively. This means every part of your body – organs, tissues, everything that benefits from water – will be more hydrated and healthier.

• Increased energy. Greater hydration and bioavailability of that hydration equates to greater energy. Your family can enjoy a natural boost in energy levels that comes from being hydrated and well cared for.

• Improved overall health. Hydration also improves health overall, giving your body the fundamental boost it needs from the inside out.

If you have questions about the benefits of structured water, talk to your local structured water technology distributor. They can help you understand what makes structured water different and show you exactly how these systems can take an investment in your home and make it into an asset for your family’s health and happiness. For more details, visit Belifewater.

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