The Environment is In Good Hands When You Recycle in Colorado Springs, CO

by | Apr 29, 2022 | Business

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Concrete and asphalt remnants of construction jobs can be recycled in a way that is friendly to the environment. Material recycling in Colorado Springs, CO can be done in a way that disposes of construction waste without damaging Mother Earth.

How Recycled Concrete and Asphalt Are Used

Aggregate material from unwanted asphalt and/or concrete is put to good use with material recycling in Colorado Springs, CO. It is purchased by companies to use to stabilize walls and used as filler before laying new building foundations. It is commonly used in drainage areas of construction. Recycled concrete and asphalt are used in extremely broken down form to make driveways, parking lots, and sidewalks.

Classifications of the Recycled Material

Repurposed concrete and asphalt are more durable than they were in their original forms. This makes for safer weight-bearing and stabilizing in various types of construction. Classifications differ from state to state, but the end result is basically the same when it comes to the safety, uses, and general makeup of the aggregate.

Classes 5 and 6 are mainly used for roadways as the base material. The specs of a particular state or region might call for certain mixtures of aggregate for different types of roadways. The main sections of freeways require a different classification of asphalt while specs for the shoulder are less stringent. Roads leading to wind energy turbines have different requirements than those of residential streets.

Check out the website for Asphalt Concrete Recycling at Sitename to learn more about their process of recycling asphalt and concrete aggregates from your construction site or other industrial location.

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