The Five Most Common Causes of Serious Truck Accidents in Atlanta

by | Dec 6, 2019 | Lawyers and Law Firms

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Commercial trucks are involved in some of the most serious accidents on the road today. While there are a number of regulations and laws in place to decrease the likelihood of collisions and prevent fatalities, any truck accident attorney in Atlanta knows there are still risks, including fatigue, alcohol and drug use, poor training, speeding and distractions.


Tired, overworked drivers cause the majority of truck accidents. Driving for many hours with few breaks creates a dangerous environment, and drivers are often pressured to deliver goods to far-off destinations in little time. When they do sleep, the quality is often low, and fatigue may cause them to lose coordination and concentration, causing an accident.

Drug and Alcohol Use

Impaired drivers can cause serious accidents, especially when commanding large commercial trucks. Alcohol and drugs can impair the driver’s ability to make judgements on the road and coordinate the rig.

Poor Training and Maintenance

Truckers are required to meet minimum training requirements before hitting the road, but many drivers with little experience end up taking the wheel. Drivers should also assess the condition of their trucks before beginning a route, but many skip this step due to the pressure to make deliveries quickly.


Traffic and weather conditions can make it difficult for drivers to meet tight deadlines. Under the pressure to perform regardless of these circumstances, drivers may go over the speed limit. Speeding in general is dangerous, but it is even riskier in large trucks and drastically reduces the reaction time needed to avoid an accident.


Driving long distances can be boring, and drivers may reach for their phones to break up a long haul. Checking social media, reading or replying to messages and even making phone calls can be serious distractions that may cause accidents.

If you have been in a crash and need a truck accident attorney in Atlanta, contact The Champion Firm at website

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