The Fool Proof Guide to Selecting an Oil Spill Containment Barrier

by | Sep 13, 2017 | Business Services

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Oil spill containment is among essential operations in getting rid of spilled oil from water. At times, a spill does not necessarily need be absorbed but rather be contained or just be redirected. Oil spill containment should start right after a spill has occurred to prevent any possible potential.

Right Solutions

At Deep Down Inc. we provide just the right solutions for properly containing oil spills notably through the use of the DP Atoll. It refers to an actively located set of barriers, which can automatically place themselves into an assortment of shapes. Such forms include a complete circle. Not only is it useful for oil spill containment, but also for calming rough waters around water vessels or platforms.

The primary objectives of oil spill containment are to confine the oil and stop it from further spreading and to concentrate the oil in an enclosed region to ease recovery of the same. Surrounding the oil enables accumulation of oil to a maximum thickness that is easier to either recover or burn. Additionally, oil containment is done to protective the contamination of oil-sensitive areas and diverting oil to areas convenient for retrieval.

Containment barriers acting as hindrances to oil floating on water are the most commonly used equipment for oil spill containment due to their effectiveness. However, making a decision on the right kind of containment barrier can be daunting. Some of the factors to take into consideration include the purpose for which its needed, the location of use either inshore of offshore among others. Some of the factors to consider include:

Volume of your worst-case scenario spill

It involves correctly determining the maximum amount of oil that could spill from a vessel. However, tit s important to understand that it is not always to absorb the entire contents of a spill. After considerable amounts of the spill have been recovered, absorbents can later be employed to eradicate the remnants of the spill.

Type of Waterbody

The kind of water body whether offshore, river inshore or harbor is a key consideration when selecting a containment barrier. The size of the different water bodies varies from one to another.

Available resources

Containment barriers may need to work with other pieces of equipment such as drain covers and absorbent dikes. Such equipment may be required to channel to ease recovery of the spilled oil. It is therefore to consider the availability of such supporting resources.

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