The Functions of a Good Transportation Management Solution

by | May 12, 2014 | Business

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Running a business that relies on deliveries and transportation can be difficult, especially if you do not have the proper transportation management solution in place. This system ensures that everything runs smoothly throughout your supply chain, so that you can move goods and materials wherever they need to go in an efficient manner. Without a transportation system in place, you run the risk of losing money during every portion of the delivery process, which will really add up over the years.

Load and Route Planning
Before you even leave the warehouse, your transportation management solution will plan out your load, so that you do not waste any space on your trucks. By maximizing every load, you can save yourself money in the long run. This also allows you to ship multiple orders together, which further optimized every load that you take. The route that your trucks take is also important to your bottom line, as you can save on transportation and fuel costs. Your transportation management system will create the most efficient routes for you, so all your trucks have to do is follow these routes when making their deliveries.

Execution and Communication
Another important aspect that your system can take care of is your execution and communication. By keeping an eye on your carriers and providing them with the information that they need, you can streamline this entire process. This management also includes calculating your shipping costs and providing proof of delivery, as this ensures that everything runs smoothly throughout your deliveries.

Delivery Tracking
Having a system in place that provides consistent updates allows you to effectively manage your organization without any lapses. For example, having a shipment tracking program allows you to see when your goods have been delivered and how long it took. You can then compare these numbers to your how long your shipment route should have taken and can change carriers if your demands are not being met. Tracking every shipment also allows you to contact vendors ahead of time if a shipment is running late, which is a great customer service tool to have at your disposal.

Quality Software Systems, Inc. provides transportation and logistics software for companies all over the United States and the world.

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