The Signs You Need Roofing Service in Monterey, CA

by | Sep 18, 2017 | Roofing

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There are many reasons you might need roofing service in your area. One of the most common reasons is a leak. If something in your house is leaking, it could be coming from the roof. It’s obvious if you go outside and see some kind of hole or damage to your roofing shingles. However, that’s not always the case. In many cases, the problem comes from your roofing shingles or tiles being somewhat loose. This allows water to slip under the tile and into your house. It can be very difficult to find the source of these leaks. That’s when you need to call a professional for your leak detection.

Leak Detection

Leak detection is a very common roofing service in Monterey, CA. The professional will investigate where the leak is inside your house as well as outside. They will be able to determine which part of your home is actually damaged and deal with it accordingly. Usually, that means repairing the water damage and replacing the damaged shingles.

You need to call Roof Time if you have a leak; that’s especially important if you don’t know where it’s coming from.

Water Damage

Water damage is one of the most dangerous reasons someone will call for roofing service. If your roof and attic are constantly wet, they will become havens for mold, mildew, and pests. Termites, for example, love damp wood. Other types of wood pests love damp hardwoods as a home and a source of food. You need a roofing company that will repair any damage, including damage in the attic and ceiling.

You will need someone who can find the leak and then repair it. They’ll need to replace the insulation that has been damaged by the water as well as other parts of the roof. You should also ask about preventing that kind of damage in the future.

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