When you think of an emergency you are probably thinking of a very serious and possibly even life threatening medical situation. While these certainly are serious emergency issues you may also experience a dental emergency as well. When this happens you need to have the ability to see an emergency dentist in Stamford as quickly as possible.
There are several different reasons why people need an emergency dentist in Stamford or anywhere else in the rest of the country. Often these include traumatic incidents and accidents but other issues can certainly come into play that cause pain, discomfort or a risk to dental health if not treated immediately.
Injuries and Accidents
Often an emergency dentist in Stamford is called when people injure their mouth or break teeth in a range of different activities. Sports injuries include being hit in the mouth with softballs, footballs or baseballs, bats, racquets or hockey sticks or other types of objects.
If there is profuse bleeding or swelling or if the child or adult is having trouble breathing, is feeling dizzy or disoriented, or has been unconscious it is essential to see emergency medical care at the hospital before seeing your emergency dentist in Stamford.
Pain and Discomfort
If you have every had a filling come out, a tooth chip or crack or even a tooth break off and expose the root you know just how terribly painful these situations can be. Having the ability to get in to see an emergency dentist in Stamford to deal with the dental issue and relieve the pain is definitely going to be on your list of priorities.
It is important not to try any home remedies or take any type of medications before talking to your dentist. If necessary rinse the mouth with clear, warm water to remove any material or pieces of fillings or tooth that may be present. For swelling and pain apply an ice compress to the outside of the cheek and that should help with both pain relief as well as minimizing the swelling.
Keep the number of your emergency dentist in Stamford on your phone so you don’t have to worry about looking it up online. If you don’t have a dentist consider at least finding one in your area and keeping his or her number handy in the event you need it.
As an emergency dentist in Stamford, Dr. Cahn can provide state of the art dental procedures. To learn more go to Drcahn.com.